
AKSU Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

ISSN(Online): 2736-0040    ISSN(Print): 2695-1975


Our Editorial Policy

The editorial objectives of AKSUJAEERD are designed to maintain a high standard of analytical, rigorously reviewed papers, while offering sufficient varieties of contents to satisfy a broad spectrum of academics, policy makers and all stakeholders in the agricultural sector. All manuscripts are initially checked by the editorial office for suitability of the topic for AKSUJAEERD. Once this is done and the manuscript has passed the test, it will be subjected to a rigorous peer-reviewed by our experienced editors. The reviewers are encouraged to submit reviewed report within 21days. The final decision for publication is made by the editorial board based on the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. The decisions are usually one of the following: accepted, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, re-submission after major revision and rejection.